Friday, September 28, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
It was a lonely Friday Night..
Where people head to clubs and release the tension which they went through
However, for him it's only classes on friday night
He didn't had any mood to head for the classes as he really hates that class
No offence to the lecturer but however he hates the subject particularly..
Moments after he left the college compound, his brother just gave him a tinkle
Asking if he was available for the night and he immediately replied " OH hell yeah"
" Meet Me, Mxxxx, and Nxxxx at changkat later at 11pm"
So he drove as fast as he could to Changkat which is situated near by Bukit Bintang, which eventually that road were jammed packed.
So after meeting his brother and his friends, they walk down the streets of Changkat which was happening! Songs being blast was all his type of music... As they head to a bar named Temptations..
It was all dull at 1st but then made couple of friends. His brother met some of the bank officers whom he knows and they joined the table..
There was an another table filled with late 30's woman(Punjabens and a malay). It started off as 3 of em and ended up 5 of them. They party wild! Drink Smoke! It was a lil culture shock at him at 1st but then he gotta accept that the world has changed!
It's about at 1.30am where all of them were high including him, the ladies(Punjabens) were pretty impressed with Mxxxx and Nxxxx. Mxxxx is a typical punjabi dude and Nxxxx looks like a punjabi but he's a fucking Indian!
They decided to dance with them... Not bad i sayy!!! They enjoyed the guys company. One of them whispered to Mxxxx. " Your friend being serious"
Mxxxx: Dei! She thinks that you're too serious lahh
He just looked at him and said " Just tell her i had a bad break up
So he ignored everything in this world.. even his problems.. Literally.. EVERYTHING!!! ALL he did... Enjoy loud bassy RnB songs while drinking up shots of whiskey and dancing like there's no tomorrow...
At 3am.. As the lights came up, we spoke a lil bit as she said that we are Nice Guys.. No idea what she meant but however we act decently... Then she explained why she came up with that statement.. Apparently she divorced with a Punjabi guy.
As she asked: So what you guys do?
He was like: Okie, this dude Mxxxx is working in a hotel... Nxxxx is doing his Degree in accountancy... Kxxxx is a lawyer and myself currently doing Masters in Hospitality.
All she did was like.. " Wow" ... Maybe she thought that they were some idiotic indian fellars who likes to bump and grind and that's about it.. They exchange numbers and these guys were shocked that she works in Bukit Aman itself... Was she undercover?? No idea!
She thought that we four are brothers.. but she was even impressed that he told that he and Mxxxx were friends since std1.
One thing for sure.. these guys earn respect from woman.. Nothing more he wanted to ask for... At least she might have learn something that there are guys who are good and not all of them are bad...
The Next day.. All he could do is.. " I'm having Hangover!"
Where people head to clubs and release the tension which they went through
However, for him it's only classes on friday night
He didn't had any mood to head for the classes as he really hates that class
No offence to the lecturer but however he hates the subject particularly..
Moments after he left the college compound, his brother just gave him a tinkle
Asking if he was available for the night and he immediately replied " OH hell yeah"
" Meet Me, Mxxxx, and Nxxxx at changkat later at 11pm"
So he drove as fast as he could to Changkat which is situated near by Bukit Bintang, which eventually that road were jammed packed.
So after meeting his brother and his friends, they walk down the streets of Changkat which was happening! Songs being blast was all his type of music... As they head to a bar named Temptations..
It was all dull at 1st but then made couple of friends. His brother met some of the bank officers whom he knows and they joined the table..
There was an another table filled with late 30's woman(Punjabens and a malay). It started off as 3 of em and ended up 5 of them. They party wild! Drink Smoke! It was a lil culture shock at him at 1st but then he gotta accept that the world has changed!
It's about at 1.30am where all of them were high including him, the ladies(Punjabens) were pretty impressed with Mxxxx and Nxxxx. Mxxxx is a typical punjabi dude and Nxxxx looks like a punjabi but he's a fucking Indian!
They decided to dance with them... Not bad i sayy!!! They enjoyed the guys company. One of them whispered to Mxxxx. " Your friend being serious"
Mxxxx: Dei! She thinks that you're too serious lahh
He just looked at him and said " Just tell her i had a bad break up
So he ignored everything in this world.. even his problems.. Literally.. EVERYTHING!!! ALL he did... Enjoy loud bassy RnB songs while drinking up shots of whiskey and dancing like there's no tomorrow...
At 3am.. As the lights came up, we spoke a lil bit as she said that we are Nice Guys.. No idea what she meant but however we act decently... Then she explained why she came up with that statement.. Apparently she divorced with a Punjabi guy.
As she asked: So what you guys do?
He was like: Okie, this dude Mxxxx is working in a hotel... Nxxxx is doing his Degree in accountancy... Kxxxx is a lawyer and myself currently doing Masters in Hospitality.
All she did was like.. " Wow" ... Maybe she thought that they were some idiotic indian fellars who likes to bump and grind and that's about it.. They exchange numbers and these guys were shocked that she works in Bukit Aman itself... Was she undercover?? No idea!
She thought that we four are brothers.. but she was even impressed that he told that he and Mxxxx were friends since std1.
One thing for sure.. these guys earn respect from woman.. Nothing more he wanted to ask for... At least she might have learn something that there are guys who are good and not all of them are bad...
The Next day.. All he could do is.. " I'm having Hangover!"
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Dreams which goes haywire..
Quite freakish when being told as that as the title
As he slept last night..With a team won 4-0
He thought he would have the best sleep and head to church
But something stoped him
His dreams...
He dreamt about which he only could recalled as like a school reunion
but it would be stupid enough to call it as reunion as he remembers he wore a perfect's outfit which was a Yellow Shirt and Brown pants with a brown tie
All he could remember that his class was filed with Malay students which he knew them from Form1 till the Form5..
It could be reunion as well as the questions being asked to him was too latest news stuff
"Friend A: Wei Bro! Aku dengar you dah ada girlfriend semua?? Dah jadi player lah youuu.. Bukan macam dulu macam bongok
Bro: Hahahaha.. ya lah bro.. ada tapi dia tu macam curang sikit lahh... kan era sekarang nie tak blh percaya perempuan...
All of a sudden.. a lady walk into a class. She wore a simple baju kurung but she was an indian girl.. look in her late 20's inform him that he should go to the office.. As he walk towards office, not him alone that he was in that stupid outfit, however others who he knew as perfect came into the office with that same outfit... At least he felt a bit relieved
There was alot of his friends whom he wasn't close with but he knew them from childhood... Some hugged him and was like "OMG after a long time seeing you dude!!! What Happened To You!!"
He could only just smile and saw his other friend came and gave handshakes and then we started exchange stories on how our lives evolve after schooling days..
Some became big time engineers, some became doctors... and also some became one of big time laywers... well wat you expect from indian people =P
As he just told them that he was still studying..
All was stunned.. and they were like... "Dei!!! Still studying ahh?" and they burst out of laughter mocking him however he didn't want to mention his part time business as they are all white collar category....
All he did was just look at them helplessly thinking they are doing well in life... He just didn't want to utter anything towards them.. He felt it was a freaking waste of time and they had lunch together...
While having em, he was being as a laughing stock with them tellin him " Chill ah macha... all in the game ny... no hard feeling bro"
He just smiled and just ignored. Lunch ended so they decided to take a group picture that reminded us that we was all a perfect... *Click Click Click*
All was done and they proceed to exchanging business cards.. with him only exchanging numbers he felt awkward as it ain't professional.. So then they ended the particular event.. As he sat in his car while looking at his favourite soft toy and he tear-ed..
However his business... was a discreet one.. which not many people knew.. the business was to buy and sell things... and $$$??? More than what white collared can earn for a year! If the luck is good, he doesn't need to work for 10 yrs if he wasn't a spendrift or so.. However he may roll in a Lamborghini or even drive few luxury cars while his friends have to take up loan....
So lesson is that... never look down on any person you see.. even a mamak anna or even some Bangladeshi... respect them as a human...
As he slept last night..With a team won 4-0
He thought he would have the best sleep and head to church
But something stoped him
His dreams...
He dreamt about which he only could recalled as like a school reunion
but it would be stupid enough to call it as reunion as he remembers he wore a perfect's outfit which was a Yellow Shirt and Brown pants with a brown tie
All he could remember that his class was filed with Malay students which he knew them from Form1 till the Form5..
It could be reunion as well as the questions being asked to him was too latest news stuff
"Friend A: Wei Bro! Aku dengar you dah ada girlfriend semua?? Dah jadi player lah youuu.. Bukan macam dulu macam bongok
Bro: Hahahaha.. ya lah bro.. ada tapi dia tu macam curang sikit lahh... kan era sekarang nie tak blh percaya perempuan...
All of a sudden.. a lady walk into a class. She wore a simple baju kurung but she was an indian girl.. look in her late 20's inform him that he should go to the office.. As he walk towards office, not him alone that he was in that stupid outfit, however others who he knew as perfect came into the office with that same outfit... At least he felt a bit relieved
There was alot of his friends whom he wasn't close with but he knew them from childhood... Some hugged him and was like "OMG after a long time seeing you dude!!! What Happened To You!!"
He could only just smile and saw his other friend came and gave handshakes and then we started exchange stories on how our lives evolve after schooling days..
Some became big time engineers, some became doctors... and also some became one of big time laywers... well wat you expect from indian people =P
As he just told them that he was still studying..
All was stunned.. and they were like... "Dei!!! Still studying ahh?" and they burst out of laughter mocking him however he didn't want to mention his part time business as they are all white collar category....
All he did was just look at them helplessly thinking they are doing well in life... He just didn't want to utter anything towards them.. He felt it was a freaking waste of time and they had lunch together...
While having em, he was being as a laughing stock with them tellin him " Chill ah macha... all in the game ny... no hard feeling bro"
He just smiled and just ignored. Lunch ended so they decided to take a group picture that reminded us that we was all a perfect... *Click Click Click*
All was done and they proceed to exchanging business cards.. with him only exchanging numbers he felt awkward as it ain't professional.. So then they ended the particular event.. As he sat in his car while looking at his favourite soft toy and he tear-ed..
However his business... was a discreet one.. which not many people knew.. the business was to buy and sell things... and $$$??? More than what white collared can earn for a year! If the luck is good, he doesn't need to work for 10 yrs if he wasn't a spendrift or so.. However he may roll in a Lamborghini or even drive few luxury cars while his friends have to take up loan....
So lesson is that... never look down on any person you see.. even a mamak anna or even some Bangladeshi... respect them as a human...
Friday, September 14, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
A gift..
It was his 10th Birthday
As he was excited that he's finally 10..
No more tonnes of candle..
Just one huge one.. =)
As his friends comes over
and also his cousins..
It was all about a day kids being kids!
Wild as we wanna be
Creating havoc as we can create..
Games being played..
The gifts he received from his friends was mostly chocolate
Even a badminton racket was given on that day
But something told him he might get a gift of his life..
Something which he wanted since a young kid in a kindergarden..
it's about late night...
After all the events was all over
There was a box in a room
Wrapped up neat with "Happy BirthdaY" wrapper
with a small card written attached
As he slowly opens it..
Oh well!!!!
A RC car!!!
which he always wanted since a Kid!
He was felling tired but somehow he gained the energy back
Immediately he took batteries from all over the house
And he started playing that night
He slept with a smile on his face..
Years went by...
as he grew older...
where technology replace that RC car
He somehow found the car after 14 yrs..
He decided to give a shot..
He got himself new set of batteries
and he tested it...
Smiles just got back on his face knowing he had a bad week
P.S Thank you Chitti... For this gift where my childhood comes back in a flash... And i always can proudly say.. i wasn't a spoilt brad like the children these days demanding for a new phone and also technological items...

As he was excited that he's finally 10..
No more tonnes of candle..
Just one huge one.. =)
As his friends comes over
and also his cousins..
It was all about a day kids being kids!
Wild as we wanna be
Creating havoc as we can create..
Games being played..
The gifts he received from his friends was mostly chocolate
Even a badminton racket was given on that day
But something told him he might get a gift of his life..
Something which he wanted since a young kid in a kindergarden..
it's about late night...
After all the events was all over
There was a box in a room
Wrapped up neat with "Happy BirthdaY" wrapper
with a small card written attached
As he slowly opens it..
Oh well!!!!
A RC car!!!
which he always wanted since a Kid!
He was felling tired but somehow he gained the energy back
Immediately he took batteries from all over the house
And he started playing that night
He slept with a smile on his face..
Years went by...
as he grew older...
where technology replace that RC car
He somehow found the car after 14 yrs..
He decided to give a shot..
He got himself new set of batteries
and he tested it...
Smiles just got back on his face knowing he had a bad week
P.S Thank you Chitti... For this gift where my childhood comes back in a flash... And i always can proudly say.. i wasn't a spoilt brad like the children these days demanding for a new phone and also technological items...

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